Okay, some sunshine would be nice about now! I was planning on going outside Monday and taking a picture around 11 p.m. for the Summer Solstice but it started raining about 10:30!!! It seems like it has been raining ever since. No walking for me on Tuesday or Wednesday but I did go walk today since it is only
drizzling. Sarah just laughs and says "you are in Alaska". I did mention I needed some Vitamin D and she told me to pick some up at Costco. Sorry, I want the real thing!!!! The glacier is still impressive even with the rain and clouds.
Yesterday I did walk around the downtown Juneau area and took a couple of pictures in the rain before I went to the movie. Notice the people with jackets - about 55 degrees. I saw "Knight and Day" with Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz. Not quite sure I fit in the "target audience" for that one.

This evening I went and tried to have dinner with the Governor of Alaska! He didn't show while I was there but I enjoyed the free grilled salmon, etc. anyway. There is a park a couple of blocks from me that is used for a lot of community functions. This weekend Gold Rush Days are being held there and the following weekend the 4th of July Celebration.

While I was at the park, a group of float planes returned from their sight seeing trips and I was able to get a picture of one of them. They usually are in groups of three or four. While I was walking home, I saw a salmon berry bush. They are starting to ripen - people pick them to eat fresh or make jam.