As promised, I am doing a Longaberger basket share. Janet came Saturday and we have been busy sorting baskets and shopping for new furniture and bedding. She made the comment as she was leaving, "How come I always leave here with a box of something?" Good planning on my part:):) For those of you who don't understand how many baskets I have, I am attaching a few pictures. As explanation, I was a Longaberger consultant for about 10 years and they just accumulate!!! If you would like a basket (or two), make a comment or send me an email with your address. First come, first served:)

Sarah made the comment she didn't think she needed any. Silly girl:)
"Hoarder???? What do you mean?
UPDATE: BASKETS HAVE ALL BEEN ADOPTED. Thanks to all - I'll have them shipped out soon.
Since my "Grand Adventure" is on hiatus, I decided to add a couple of new items to my blog (and I'll even update my profile soon). "On the Nightstand" will be the books I am currently reading - and there is always one or more. "Under the Needle" will be my current sewing project.
1,000 Clever Sewing Shortcuts & Tips by Deepika Prakash (sponsored by I actually have a tip published in this one but I haven't found it yet!
The Rough Guide to Ireland. Need to start preparing for my upcoming trip soon.
Freedom, A Novel by Jonathan Franzen. This is Oprah's Book Club's current selection. I have found some of her selections I like and, some, well some just give me a headache!!!!! The jury is still out on this one as I have barely started. I have read so many books on my iTouch the last few months that I am finding this real book HEAVY!!!
Under the Needle:
I am hoping to sew something soon. I actually plugged in my machine and repaired a shirt for Janet today!!! The two things at the top of the list are a shirt for me from a Sewing Workshop pattern and some custom boxers for one of my favorite guys (my son) using a vintage pattern.