Odds and ends and answers to questions from the past several weeks.
First Up:
DOUG PASSED THE NEW YORK BAR!!!!! As he said, "thank God". I know he is glad that is behind him and I am truly proud:) Remember all those "first day of school" photos you took of your kids? (which Doug hated) Leigh Anne sent me a "first day of work photo"!!!
Doug - first day at work:) |
Sarah QUIT SMOKING!! Yeah Sarah!!! I am proud of her, too. And, yes, I gave all the lectures about "not smoking" etc, etc, etc but she didn't listen:):) This is important on many levels - not only will she be healthier and wealthier but she is the "designated care giver" when I am old:) Not only for me but Ardell and Barbara are also depending on her to be in charge of their "depends":):) (Note to Sarah - we have not forgotten about THE PILLOW)
Sewing - a small success!!! My first sewing project in nearly a year was to make drapes for my townhouse. Home dec is not my favorite for several reasons. The main one - BORING!!! Lots of long seams and blind hem-stitching plus I had to cut these out on the floor. Definitely painful:) But they are finished and hanging, and I really like them. On the plus side, home-dec is really a money saver. Now on to a more fun project if I can just decide on something:)
New Drapes!! |
New Friends - several people have emailed/called and asked how you meet people when you move to a new area and don't know anyone. Join something!! I have joined a quilters' guild and a walking group. Later this month I am going to a book club meeting. American Sewing Guild has a group near here that I need to check out. There is a church I have visited in Franklin several times but I want to visit a few more before I make a decision. It has been a little bit slower process than I thought but I am getting there. I always seem to stay busy! (P.S. Before I finished this post, I received an email from Doris inviting me to the local ASG group on Saturday.)
Cooking - another question has been "how do you cook for one?" Not hard at all! Nick is here several days a week so you have to cook for at least six!!! Seriously, when he is here - he cooks most of the time!!! I love it!!! When I cook, I like to have leftovers to freeze or eat later so it hasn't been a problem.
Barbara - I have gotten questions from several people who know my sister asking for an update. She will be having more surgery as well as chemo/radiation. Not the results we wanted to hear!!! Things are moving slower than we like - the Chance family is not known for "patience". Barbara has a Caring Bridge site if you would like to follow her progress.
Barbara's Caring Bridge Site
Weather - we had our first freeze of the season over the weekend. It was in the high 20s both Friday and Saturday night but beautiful during the day. They are coming to fix my furnace today:)
On the nightstand:
"Soloman's Oak" by Jo-anne Mapson. I have read all her books and enjoyed them all. This is another good one.