We left Townsend, TN headed for Cherokee, NC on Wednesday, October 9th which turned out to be a high stress day for me. Jeannine considered it just another adventure.
Oklahoma Road Angels - Thanks!!!!! |
Jeannine was following me because I have OnStar. As we left the park, I called OnStar and gave them the address of our RV park in Cherokee. I also told them "do not route me through Smoky Mountain NP because all the roads are closed". "No mam, I won't do that". Yeah, right. A little while later I start seeing "park road closed" signs and got a little nervous. While I am calling OnStar to check our route, I come to a locked gate across the road. OnStar was "sorry for the mistake". Meanwhile, Jeannine and I are on a two lane mountain road with no place to turn around. She can back a trailer a lot better than I can! With the help of some "road angels" from Oklahoma, she backed both our trailers about a quarter mile down the road until she could back them in a drive to turn around. Several of the Oklahoma people stopped anyone from coming up behind us while one man directed Jeannine. I was quite helpful by making sure she didn't go off the side of the mountain. Stress headache for me!!!! Clueless why neither of us took a picture of this predicament.
After we got headed in the right direction, the book on tape I was listening to stopped in the middle because of a "bad download".
We were able to drive on Hwy 441 through the park to Cherokee. It was a beautiful drive and the first time I had really pulled the Casita on narrow mountain roads (a little more stress). I was finally able to find a spot where we could both pull over for lunch. I missed this but a baby bear had barreled down the mountain, hit Jeannine's car with a big squeal, and then headed back up the mountain. Hopefully unharmed and looking for Mama Bear.
Beautiful Drive! |
My Campsite in Cherokee |
After we got unhitched, our third WOW member and her daughter-in-law met up with us. (Jeannine's sister, Suzanne and Sarah). We headed into Cherokee to the Visitor Center and to have dinner. While there, we were told we could drive on the Blue Ridge Parkway but all scenic overlooks and everything else was closed. For some reason, it had not dawned on me that the Parkway was federal property. Slow Learner!!! The next morning we learned that the pull-outs were open but not the visitor centers.
After eating Indian Tacos, we headed back to out trailers. Dry county so I could not replenish my wine supply.
End of High Stress Day!!!!