It's been a long time! Since I posted last, its been busy. For the first time ever, I got to experience a computer "hard drive crash". No fun! Fortunately, I had backed up recently so while it was a pain I didn't lose much information. My Mac is 3.5 years old and this was my first ever problem so I won't complain. My previous computer didn't even last this long. Yes, I am one of those "Mac" converts!!
Sewing news - I have been busy in my studio! So far this month, I have made several items with more on the cutting table.
Spa Wraps |
- Marcy Tilton Vogue pants - revisited this pattern. These are finished but were not my most successful with this pattern. My fabric was a little too stiff for the style.
- Apron - this was fun to make. It is on display at The Quilting Squares right now and will then be Janet's.
- Spa Wraps - my niece, Amy, graduates from high school next week and these are for some of her friends.
- Oliver + S Family Reunion Dress - This is another shop sample. So sweet!!! I have two more of their patterns I am working on.
- Hemming - Not my favorite project but it was for my daughter! So she has four pairs of pants she can wear.
- Started a new knitting project - super simple scarf with some gorgeous yarn.
In other news, I have a new ride!!! A Cannondale hybrid bike (and helmet) are now in my possession. If it ever stops raining around here, I'll start riding more. There is a park with a bicycle path that is a good place to ride. I went there and rode 6 miles the other day. Too dangerous to ride in Franklin - all roads lead to Sweet CeeCee's (local frozen yogurt shop).
And, I also have a new "do". After letting my hair grow longer, I finally admitted that it wasn't working for me so . . . it is short, short, short!!! This happened in two stages. The first cut was really cute - it reminded me of how I wore my hair for a while in high school. Ardell even wanted to know if I still had my hot pants! But it drove me crazy hanging in my face so chop! chop! chop!!! It is now super short and I love it!!!!
Stage One - Cute style but it hung in my face:)
Short! Short! Short!!! |
(I will update this with pictures when I find my camera. Honestly, I had it yesterday!!!) Found - and I am too embarrassed to tell you where it was:)