The drive to Tyler was uneventful but I did stop for gas for the first time - baby steps! I've decided I much prefer to drive on larger highways or the interstate. It is hard to pull over to let people pass on two lane roads.
Steaks on the grill. |
Its been many years since I have been to Tyler State Park. It is the first place my kids ever went camping - Doug was about two. Its very pretty with lots of trees and a lake. We got all set up and Ann met us there early in the evening - she is another member of the WOWs!! Ardell and I have decided she and Suzanne will be the group's chefs. We ate very well all weekend:)
Gourmet eggs. |
Saturday we drove into Tyler and did the grand tour. Ardell and her family lived there for about 10 years. She was amazed with all the changes. I, of course, bought more gear for my Casita living. This time it was an EZ Up shelter. Yeah, right. Not so EZ Up but it was EZ Down so I guess that counts for something. Its going to take some practice for me to be able to put it up by myself. Also, got some real marshmallow forks so our s'mores would be easier to make.
Cheers - Mimosas! Ann and Ardell are under my new EZ-Up. |
Sunday after a gourmet breakfast (including Mimosas) we hiked around the lake and just lazed around. Ann fixed another gourmet meal that night and we enjoyed another campfire.
Monday morning we got packed and headed out. Much easier this time - I had never unhooked:) I drove back to Houston and went to my brother, Maynard's, house. I did let him back the Casita up his driveway!
Another fun adventure!!